Wednesday, February 6, 2008


You will need to schedule a physical exam and I will need to have a copy of it before you board the plane.

If you played or currently play sports at GLHS you can simply request a copy of your sports physical from the Athletic Office at school.

The reason you need to have a physical is because I need your doctor to tell me that you are not going to keel over on my shift and my watch!!
It is also very smart to always have your doctor give you a once over any time you travel overseas.

Make sure that you write a list of all medications to which you may be allergic. This will help me better communicate with a doctor on your behalf in the event you are not able to speak for yourself (say you take in too much sun and briefly pass out...)

If you have allergy medication or a medical condition that requires you to carry prescription medicines, you may want to ask your doctor for a prescription to bring on our trip. This way you can renew a lost prescription without the wait and expense of having to go to a Spanish doctor.

So as soon as you can manage it, please give me a copy of your physical.

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